
Getting Things Started

This year I have decided to make our mark on the internet. This is, for now, a place for learning. I feel that I will always be learning about this stuff and how it all works. So if you have any suggestions please feel free to coment on anything and everything. Just don't forget what this page is about "H&S Plumbing". First and formost we are plumbers.

Marketing advice from Alex

Yesterday I connected with an old friend. Alex Brodbent, Awesome, smart, gentleman. We had a great conversation about marketing. The ins and outs of such an undertaking. He suggestion on what people are going to want to see in the future, Videos. Simple right? Not so much when you're a plumber. Any ideas on how to incorporate this into this page? I am open to suggestions. First things first, I need to figure out how to make this page searchable. Any tips or tricks I would appreciate.